Sunday, February 7, 2010

Imaginative bridges

Teaching is an art! If you feel that it is wired or the most ridiculous thing you have heard, then try to analyze this.
We teacher do play different characters or roles I may say. We teachers can be protagonists or heroes as many time students like us and love the way we talk or we deliver our lesson. They quote us by the way we speak or the way we deliver our favorite dialogue (anecdote) in class. On the hind side we can be considered as a villain if we lose our temper and keep shouting or yelling at students and sometime which is defiantly unlawful and I am totally against it if we use any form of physical torture or use of corporal punishment against our students that.
As our students may pursue their teachers in whatever above mentioned role, a Hero or a Villain they carry these images and reflection of their classroom memories for a long time. Hence I defiantly feel there is a lot of art is involved in teaching.
It depends on the nature of compelling experience we have or we give to our students. We teachers can also be compared to a film directory who directs an entire movie. A teacher just the same directs the class and makes a meaningful learning experience for his/her audiences; in this case who are the students. As teachers’ make lesson plan, test schedule, and try to execute it in a fashion we find it.
As the Editors takes care of the minor details like sound effect, lights and tries to edit each and every scene so as the viewers can enjoy the film totally acknowledge with the understanding the messages in the movie to ensure the experience is enjoyed thoroughly.
We teachers at times imitate the film editor; check that the lighting in the classroom is proper or control voice modulation by using a mike or an audiovisual aid and try to create the same work and editor does.
I do see a lot imaginative bridges in work of art and in my teaching job. Do you agree?

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